Your Dentist Office
in Garner, NC
Your Garner NC dentist, offering Invisalign®, dental implants, and more! Creating your healthy, beautiful smile is our passion at Garner Dental Arts. So, if you're looking for an exceptional dentist in Garner NC, you've come to the right place. Our caring team of dental professionals is committed to helping you enjoy your dental experience by listening to your needs and providing the absolute best dental solutions that are right for you. Are you ready to LOVE your smile? Then we invite you to come see why so many families in the Southern Raleigh area have made us their "go to" Garner NC dentist.
Let Dr. "D" take care of your smile
Dr. Dileep Danivas, DDS is our skilled, caring dentist in Garner NC. He has been creating beautiful, healthy smiles since 2007. With a commitment to quality care, Dr. "D" ensures each patient feels they have a dental advocate they can trust. If you are looking for a quality cosmetic or family dentist in Garner NC, then look no further. Dr. D and his incredibly friendly team are here to help you achieve the wonderful smile you deserve.
Comprehensive Dental Services

Cosmetic Dentistry
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